The back to school rush can leave a lot of people filled with anxiety and stress. There are so many things that need to get done in preparation for the school year, often times people forget to take a moment to relax. Take a break from the grind and give yourself a moment to breathe in the fresh air. We should say – take a moment to breathe in the air from your freshly cleaned out car.
If you’ve ever had your vehicle professionally detailed, you’re aware of the immediate relief upon looking at it after it’s been cleaned. It’s an incredible feeling to forget having to worry about the condition your vehicle is in. Stained, dirty, sticky, spotty, sandy, whatever state the interior of your vehicle is in right now, let our experts help. It may not be the ultimate solution to reducing all of the stress involved with the back to school rush, but providing a clean and safe environment for you and your little ones is a huge relief for any parent.
Not only do we clean your vehicle, our products and services work to eliminate bacteria and mold, restore the look of your vehicle and keep it protected. This is more than just a detailing, this is restoring your vehicle to showroom quality. We hear all the time from our customers that they can’t believe what our team was able to do to their car. That’s because we consistently go the extra mile to prove how dedicated we are to the process. You trust us with your car and you better believe we aim to deliver.
We run the school for professional automotive detailing and class is now in session.
(We actually undercoated and washed this giant thing! The buses are back!)
Get ready for the rush!