Don’t let the Backseat Bugs Bite!

January 27, 2017

If you or your family have been bitten by the flu bug recently, now is the time to clean out your vehicle. Those germs from sneezing and coughing aren’t going anywhere unless the vehicle is cleaned and scrubbed of all those nasty microbes. Luckily for you, the experts at your local Ziebart store are ready to professionally clean your ride and have you driving off in a safe, germ free environment.  

If you haven’t been sick yet, just know that the flu season is at its peak in February. You can take all the vitamin supplements and use all the hand-sanitizer in the world, but there will always be germs, especially in your vehicle. Our Inner-Guard® PLUS package equipped with Germ Defender® will leave you and your family with nothing to worry about this season.

The Germ Defender is an effective, non-toxic, long-lasting protection for your vehicle’s interior. It serves as a barrier, shielding your vehicle from all of those terrible germs, saving you from those dreaded sniffles. By treating your vehicle you are protected from:

  • Type A Influenza
  • MRSA
  • Staph
  • E. coli
  • Salmonella
  • Ringworm
  • Mold
  • Mildew
  • H1N1 (Swine Flu)
  • Shigellosis
  • And many more!

The Germ Defender is odorless and colorless, and is most importantly non-toxic making it safe for children and pets. It has received an EPA approval to last at LEAST 90 days no matter the wear and tear. This is a great product for protecting you and your family no matter the season. Don’t wait when you can get it now and prevent the worst from happening!

Do what you can to prevent the flu from getting to you! 


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