We’ve all seen it before. The pile of broken cement and stones in the road or on the side of the road. Once the snow sticks and the plow trucks come out, you can guarantee some of the road is going to break apart. It happens every year and we don’t think much of it. We carry on driving, going about our day, often times driving over those aforementioned piles of rubble. The driver in front of you isn’t concerned about those piles either. If you love your vehicle, you may want to consider a protective film to guard against those flying stones and rocks from the road.
What Does Z-Shield Protect my Vehicle From? –
Z-Shield® Paint Protection Film adheres to your vehicle’s paint without impacting the appearance or paint color. Optically clear and nearly invisible, easily wrapped around curved surfaces like mirrors or bumpers, the paint protection film prevents a wide assortment of scratches and scrapes your vehicle may encounter. Backed by an industry-leading warranty, the paint protection film is guaranteed to leave your vehicle looking as good as the day it was applied (no stain, no fade!)
Whether it’s a new car that you would like to keep looking new or an older car that you love, our Z-Shield will protect your vehicle’s paint without you even noticing it’s there. Those rocks and stones that are flying at your vehicle’s vulnerable areas may seem minor in damage, but once that paint is scratched off, the metal of your vehicle becomes exposed and serious damages can result. Exposed metals will always rust and rust is irreversible.
Drop the shoulders and have peace of mind this time of year. You can notice those loose stones on the side of the road and know your vehicle is safe and protected by having our paint protection film applied. Not only will you be less concerned about those scratches and scrapes, you will also have supplied your vehicle with added protection from rust as well! Our Z-Shield works as a barrier between your vehicle and the road as well as your vehicle and the road salt!
Trust the experts and have your vehicle safeguarded by the industry-leading vehicle appearance and protection specialists.
Give your vehicle a rock solid defense from the road!