Yes, summer break is over. The majority of school districts are opening their doors now or very soon. August has happened upon us all too quickly yet again and with August comes that bleak realization that we are about to become extremely busy. Schedules are being written and agendas are being organized, but even with the purest of intentions, things still fall through the cracks. We set our priorities for the month and away we go! Well, we at Ziebart just want to remind you about that important four-wheeled mode of transportation you depend so heavily upon. Don’t forget to clean your vehicle!
Get Out Your Pens and Papers and Write This Down -
For a minute, think of all the extracurricular activities that took place this summer. All the trips to here, there and everywhere. More than likely, you were traveling in the same vehicle to all of these places, and unless your family and friends were all wearing Hazmat suits in and out of the car, germs and bacteria made their way into your vehicle. What’s even more harrowing is knowing what’s to come. All the carpools to sporting events, band, dance, theatre shows, you name it. No worries though! Our antibacterial interior detailing will take your vehicle from dirt machine to pristine and have you riding clean for all to be seen. Reignite that initial connection you had with your vehicle and have it shining bright again. Our professionals possess specialty tools and chemicals needed to take your vehicle’s interior to the next level. On top of that, one application of our Ziebart Germ Defender® can protect your vehicle’s interior and kill germs and bacteria on contact for up to 90 days. Yes, you read that correctly. Germ Defender will actually kill those harmful germ and bacteria cells before they have a chance to imbed themselves into your interior. Even better, it actually increases its effectiveness through general wear and tear. Meaning, the more it’s used, the stronger it gets!
If you've ever had your vehicle professionally cleaned, you know how wonderful it feels. Bearing witness to the results of impeccable applications of cleaning solutions and the immaculate majesty made possible by our magnificent machines makes one feel marvelous (say that five times fasts.) Clean cars make for happy drivers. Clean cars also make for happy passengers. Our interior detailing process will actually leave you and your passengers in better health by annihilating the germs and bacteria that lead to illnesses. Treat yourself, and your passengers, to good health this August and have our professionals service your vehicle with a full interior detailing. You can thank us later!
Transform your vehicle from a petri dish into a clean freak’s wish with products and services only from Ziebart. Start your school year right by riding in style after having your interior cleaned and looking like new. Say goodbye to germs and hello to a clean ride! Contact your local Ziebart for more information!
Need your vehicle cleaned right now? You’re just one click away from receiving our products and services!